Serves 1
Cocktail Ingredients
- 1 oz. Cocchi Americano (blanc vermouth)
- 1 oz. Terroir Gin (I used St.George Terroir but I also LOVE Cardinal Spirits Terra Gin if you can find it)
- .5 oz rosemary syrup*
- 3 oz club soda
Grapefruit Peel Ingredients**
- Rosemary Sprig (optional)
- Ice (ideally 1 inch cubes)
Rosemary Syrup Ingredients*
100 grams (½ cup) white granulated sugar
100 grams (½ cup) water
20 grams (about 8 small sprigs) fresh rosemary stalks
The name is, of course, a reference to the iconic 90s movie Clueless, starring Alicia Silverstone who is a badass libra, herself. Experts (ie. Hannah Piper Burns for Redefine Magazine) agree, the movie embodies the libra spirit with “unabashed love of truth, beauty, and justice”.
In other words, some key characteristics of Libras that stand out are:
-They insist on balance in life (& presumably in their drinks)
-They are drawn to high-end aesthetics which are eye catching yet clean and uncomplicated
-They have the MOST trouble making a decision
All of that in mind, this drink is inspired by Libras and designed to be loved by Libras. It is intentionally clear with no color or cloudiness and served in a tall glass with a garnish that is bold and pleasing to the eye.
It is what we call a “split-base” cocktail - can’t decide which spirit to drink? Have both! The base is equal parts gin and vermouth and the result is a drink that is so cohesive when you taste it, it is difficult to pick out where one flavor ends and the other begins. Which I think well represents the “balancing of the scales”. Also, this drink is super easy to make - simply build it in the glass and give a little stir. No shaking or straining required and no time to change your mind halfway through making it.
Cocktail Instructions
In your Collins glass (tall and skinny), add the Cocchi Americano, Terroir Gin and rosemary syrup, then fill to the top with ice. Gently stir the mixture and top it off with club soda. Give the drink another quick stir and express your grapefruit peel** over the drink. Tuck the peel into the glass vertically, so it stands up straight. Add a long sprig of rosemary if you wish, or leave it out for a more subtle beauty.
*Rosemary Syrup Instructions
In a small saucepan, combine 100 grams of white sugar + 100 grams of water. Add the 20 grams of rosemary. Stir to dissolve the sugar and bring to a boil. Once it’s boiling, immediately lower the heat. Let simmer for about 5 minutes and then remove from heat. (You should be able to smell a strong rosemary scent by now) Allow syrup to cool before straining out the rosemary. Once strained, store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
**Grapefruit Peel Instructions
Use your paring knife to carefully remove a length of the grapefruit wheel diagonally around the fruit. Lay the peel flat on your cutting board and trim both sides so you have a straight, long peel that will stand tall. Note: a vegetable peeler is not as effective here. You want the peel to be thicker and therefore stiffer for the vertical effect
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